I am really delighted to have this website up and running and to have one place to showcase my photography. I have organised images into the the various projects I have been working on over the past few years and imagine as time goes on I will add to these and also create new galleries with new photography projects. That is the exciting thing; thinking about the new photographs I will get that will fill these pages here. I have tried not to separate the photographs in terms of those I shoot with the Apple iPhone 6 and the photographs with either the Nikon D7000 or the Fuji X100T. The reason being that I do not see a difference in terms of what I want to create. The iPhone camera or the other cameras ultimately all perform the same job.
So welcome! I hope you will continue to follow and support me here on my new website. I will be doing all blog posts from here and over time will leave photographicpunctuation.com. Thanks for the support; thanks for the inspiration!